If we jump into a film without any background knowledge, it’s hard to fully understand the story. Likewise, many photos can make you scratch your head trying to figure out what’s going on there. This list below contains 20 no-context photos that guarantee to give you a good time.
#1 Yet

#2 When you get to have fun while at work

#3 If defeat had a face

#4 Close yet far

#5 A long story to it

#6 Are you sure?

#7 That freaked me out

#8 Like how it is even possible

#9 Pretty long arm

#10 When your own kind come to your support

#11 Its just one person here

#12 Never seen a dummy like this

#13 How could this happen

#14 Hang on there

#15 Mac Chair

#16 Accident due to excess milk consumption

#17 Let me pretend to be

#18 OCD to its core

#19 Use your head they say

#20 How was it even possible

Credits: bananalanguage.com