The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers has revealed the contest’s 2017 winners, and the images they selected highlight both the joy and challenges moms experience during childbirth.
These fresh photographs will make you even more astounded than we did with the contest from last year. Every single one of them narrates a tale of suffering, tenacity, and, in the end, relief. They capture the early stages of a baby’s existence as well as the beginnings of a family’s bond.
Reader caution is suggested since many of the following images are strong and explicit. But they are all strong in their own particular ways.
#1 I’ve Been Waiting for You

#2 Best In Category: Birth Details, Pieces of Me

#3 Best In Category: Postpartum, Straight from Heaven

#4 That First Gaze

#5 Skin To Skin Today. Heart To Heart Alway

#6 Falling In Love All Over Again

#7 Are You My Mama?

#8 Best In Category: Delivery, With A Splash

#9 Freshly Squeezed

#10 First Place Winner. Road To Deliverance

#11 Honorable Mentions. Catching Her Baby, Born Via Surrogacy

#12 Absorb

#13 The End: A New Beginning

#14 The First Look

#15 Honorable Mentions. Approaching Life

#16 Honorable Mentions. Surprise

#17 Honorable Mentions. Joyful Finale

#18 Honorable Mentions. As She Rose from The Depths

#19 Honorable Mentions. Hello Before Goodbye

#20 A Beautiful Transition

#21 Honorable Mentions. Gentle Caesarean Birth

#22 The Softest Landing Pad

#23 Becoming Grandmothers

#24 Honorable Mentions. Before The First Breath

#25 Mother’s Pure Bliss

#26 Euphoric First Embrace Together

#27 Honorable Mentions. Honoring The Temple

#28 Birth In Colour

#29 Ascension

#30 Breathe

#31 Bathed In the Morning Light She Welcomes New Life

#32 Honorable Mentions. Birth Of A Mother

#33 Honorable Mentions. 17 Years Of Waiting: A Non-fertility Miracle

#34 Honorable Mentions. She Holds Her Daughter’s Fingers In Awe And Wonder

#35 Superman Style Arrival

#36 Raw Power

#37 Looking Inside

#38 The Go-to Position For Slow Labor

#39 Honorable Mentions. Rapture

#40 Honorable Mentions. Future Big Sister

#41 First Wrinkles

#42 Intertwined

#43 Holding On To Strength

#44 This Is Life

#45 Moment To Collect

#46 Christmas Eve Head Shot

#47 Motherland…

#48 Euphoria, Triumph

#49 Honorable Mentions. She Believed She Could

#50 United We Are Strong

#51 Within The Waves

#52 Peaceful Entry

#53 Best In Category: Labor, Determination

#54 Honorable Mentions. Entangled In The Cord That Ties Us

#55 Hear Me Roar

#56 Baby’s First Defense

#57 Honorable Mentions. Droplets Of Mercy

#58 The World Ahead

#59 Riding The Wave
