Phoenix, a little child, enjoyed his first birthday by grinning for the camera during a zombie-themed picture shoot. But the internet wasn’t laughing at all when his mother posted it online. Amy Louise, a mother from Australia, has come under heavy fire for putting her baby through such a “disgusting,” “morbid,” and “offensive” experience. She responded by telling the tale behind it, and it is so devastating that it will put an end to all her critics.
Initially, Facebook mom groups banned Amy. The amount of it astonished her, “but I knew it would happen.” I was accused of being a horrible mother, warned that I would harm his mental state, and warned that feeding him cake made of dirt would make him sick.
But as you can see, Phoenix was born without a heartbeat. It was “such a flurry of emotion” from the moment the physicians informed her that her placenta had separated, and the baby had no heartbeat until the moment they had him delivered, she added. “I can vividly remember being afraid but also hopeful. I pondered this even though they had stated, “Get her down to the theater straight away the baby has no heartbeat,”
The young woman and her fiancé Gary Wilkinson believed their little boy had passed away. But not everyone gave up on hope. “The doctor squished my palm in an attempt to express emotion, but it was a mess. It wasn’t good. As I started to grasp what had happened, I kept seeing this small white casket flash across my head.
Baby Phoenix showed she was a formidable opponent. On October 31, Halloween, he was given a second chance at life. The 13 minutes were the longest and worst of my life, Amy remarked. The moment I had him in my arms for the first time, everything stopped.
What better way to celebrate Halloween’s remarkable resuscitation of a little baby boy who was once declared dead than with a zombie-themed cake smash? she pondered.
#1 Amy Louise has faced intense criticism for planning a “sickening” zombie-cake picture session for her young child.

#2 She responded by sharing the background tale, which is so tragic that it will convert any detractors.




#6 Phoenix the infant was born without a heartbeat.

#7 “From the time the doctors told me my placenta had detached and there was no heartbeat, to the time they cut him out was such a whirlwind of emotion”

#8 “I knew he was dead I knew he was gone”

#9 But then the impossible happened and Phoenix came back to life after the longest 13 minutes in Amy’s life

#10 “What better than a zombie-themed cake smash for the tiny baby boy who was pronounced dead and then miraculously came to life on Halloween”
