Do you like getting tattoos? Do you have any on yourself? This is for all tattoo enthusiasts. The tattoo industry is expanding in terms of both technology and artistic artwork. This design has gotten a lot of attention from tattoo aficionados all around the world as one of the emerging tattoo styles. The basic characteristics of this style are colorful images put within a frame of a geometric shape (rectangle in this example). Franky Yang from Beijing has managed to include her own patterns into this style, which is a really eye-catching aspect.
This tattoo artist follows the guidelines outlined above, yet she creates pictures that are influenced by and based on traditional Chinese art. By adding conventional styled artwork to the client’s skin, she may accomplish a lot of graphic storytelling.
Unlike traditional tattooing methods, this one is more picturesque and incorporates a variety of features. This bright, vivid, and extremely creative artwork, which is enclosed within a rectangular form, appears to be an opening, a window to this illustration. It is a trendy trend among newer generations of tattoo enthusiasts, and it is often discussed on social media platforms.
Listed below are examples of Yang’s amazing tattoo artwork. All tattoo enthusiasts, collectors, and artists are invited to contribute their thoughts and tales in the comments area below. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite Franky Yang tattoos in the list below.




















