Adults and children have different tastes, and this is especially true when it comes to food. While you might love the wholesome meals your parents made for you as a child, it’s unlikely that they will be your favorite foods as an adult.
If you were to ask kids what their favorite dish is, nine times out of ten they’ll say chicken nuggets or something similar. Adults on the other hand are more likely to prefer things like grilled salmon with lemon and honey mustard sauce. This article takes a look at some of the dishes people tend to develop a taste for later in life after learning their parents were cooking it wrong during their childhood.

#1  Steak

#2  Brussels Sprouts

#3  Veggies

#4  Vegetables

#5  Basically Everything

#6  Spinach

#7  Mashed Potatoes

#8  Lasagna

#9  Canned/Tinned Vegetables

#10  Meatloaf

#11  “Mayo”

#12  Cauliflower

#13  Scrambled Eggs

#14  Spaghetti

#15  Pot Roast

#16  Raw Tomatoes

#17  Pork Chops And Steaks

#18  Any Foods Without Spices Or Seasonings

#19  Liver And Onions

#20  Lasagna And Cheesecakes

#21  Everything, Including A Tossed Salad

#22  Any Salad

#23  BBQ

#24  Risotto

#25  Mac And Cheese

#26  Eggplant

#27  Cranberries

#28 Yucca

#29  Hamburger

#30  Mushrooms

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