Alexis Ferrer is a Spanish hairstylist. He produces fabric pattern prints on hair after many years of testing and studying the use of hair as a medium. Alexis is now working on his ‘La Favorite’ line, which is inspired by 18th century motifs.

#1. Ferrer’s Project ‘La Favorite’.

This was first tried out at a ‘Barcelona fashion week’ in 2017, when hair extensions were utilized to portray various faces in society. They employed photographic printing to make the printing on the hair extensions more pictorial than just being a hair dressing.

#2. The early experiments on hair printing.

Ferrer transitioned from hand photographic ink to computer produced patterns to create intricate designs on the hair. ‘La Favorite’ is intended to combine historical flower motifs onto present hair styles, inspiring future generations.

#3. A glimpse of ‘La Favorite’ by Alexis Ferrer.




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